Pulse 2 Launcher configuration file

This document explains the content of the configuration file of the launcher service from Pulse 2.


The « Launcher » service is the Pulse 2 daemon in charge of doing jobs on clients on scheduler orders.

The service configuration file is /etc/mmc/pulse2/launchers.ini (please note the ending “s”).

Like all Pulse 2 related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

Some sections describing the different available launchers may appear, their name must begin with launcher_. The idea behind this is that the main section controls the common behavior of launchers, the others control the specific behaviors.

Section name Description Optional
launchers Common launchers configuration directives yes
wrapper wrapper related options yes
ssh ssh modus-operandi related section yes
daemon Launchers services related behaviors yes
wol WOL related behaviors yes
wget Wget related options yes
tcp_sproxy Wget related options yes
smart_cleaner Smart cleaning options yes
scheduler_XXX Referent scheduler location no
launcher_XXX Configuration for launcher_XXX no

All the other sections (loggers, handlers, ...) are related to Python language logging framework. See http://docs.python.org/lib/logging-config-fileformat.html.

« launchers » section

This section is used to give directives common to every launcher service.

Available options for the “launchers” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
halt_command The halt command to use on a client, after a successful deployment. yes string /bin/shutdown.exe -f -s 1 || shutdown -h now
inventory_command The inventory command to use on a client, after a successful deployment. yes string export P2SRV=`echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -f1 -d; export P2PORT=9999; export http_proxy=””; export ftp_proxy=””; ( [ -x /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles/FusionInventory-Agent/perl/bin/fusioninventory-agent ] && /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles/FusionInventory-Agent/perl/bin/perl “C:Program FilesFusionInventory-Agentperl\bin\fusioninventory-agent” /server=http://P2SRV:$P2PORT ) || ( [ -x /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles(x86)/FusionInventory-Agent/perl/bin/fusioninventory-agent ] && /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles(x86)/FusionInventory-Agent/perl/bin/perl “C:Program Files (x86)FusionInventory-Agentperl\bin\fusioninventory-agent” /server=http://P2SRV:$P2PORT ) || ( [ -x /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles/OCSInventoryAgent/OCSInventory.exe ] && /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles/OCSInventoryAgent/OCSInventory.exe /np /server:$P2SRV /pnum:$P2PORT ) || ( [ -x /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles(x86)/OCSInventoryAgent/OCSInventory.exe ] && /cygdrive/c/ProgramFiles(x86)/OCSInventoryAgent/OCSInventory.exe /np /server:$P2SRV /pnum:$P2PORT ) || ( [ -x /usr/bin/ocsinventory-agent ] && /usr/bin/ocsinventory-agent –server=http://$P2SRV:$P2PORT ) || ( [ -x /usr/sbin/ocsinventory-agent ] && /usr/sbin/ocsinventory-agent –server=http://$P2SRV:$P2PORT ) || ( [ -x /usr/local/sbin/ocs_mac_agent.php ] && /usr/local/sbin/ocs_mac_agent.php )`
launcher_path The Launcher main script location, used by launchers-manager to start and daemonize the services. yes path /usr/sbin/pulse2-launcher
max_command_age The parameter which limits a command’s time lenght. A command must take less than this value (in seconds), or being killed; High values mean that the command will have more time to complete, thus may also stay blocked longer. Only works for ASYNC commands. yes int, seconds 86400 (one day)
max_ping_time Timeout when attempting to ping a client: A ping is aborded if it takes more that this value (in seconds). High values will minimize false-positives (aborded probe even if the client if obviously reachable). Lower values will enhance interface reponse time (but lead to more false-positives). yes int, seconds 4 (seconds)
max_probe_time Timeout when attempting to probe a client: A probe is aborded if it takes more that this value (in seconds). High values will minimize false-positives (aborded probe even if the client if obviously reachable). Lower values will enhance interface reponse time (but lead to more false-positives). Please note that even if the client is not far (less than 10 ms), the probe may last a very long ime as sshd perform a reverse DNS query for each incoming connection, which may be problematic with a badly configured DNS. yes int, seconds 20 (seconds)
ping_path Path to Pulse 2 Ping tool yes path /usr/sbin/pulse2-ping
reboot_command The reboot command to use on a client, after a successful deployment. yes string /bin/shutdown.exe -f -r 1 || shutdown -r now
source_path Packages source path target path (used for upload purpose). yes path /var/lib/pulse2/packages
target_path Client target path (used for upload purpose). yes path /tmp
temp_folder_prefix During a deployment, if a folder has to be created, its name will begin by this string. yes string MDVPLS

« daemon » section

This section sets the pulse2-launchers-manager and pulse2-launchers service run-time options and privileges.

Available options for the “daemon” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
group The pulse2-launchers-manager and pulse2-launchers services run as this specified group. yes group root
pidfile The launcher services PID, used by pulse2-launchers-manager to track the launchers services. yes path /var/run/pulse2
umask The pulse2-launchers-manager and pulse2-launchers services umask defines the right of the new files they create (log files for example). yes octal 0077
user The pulse2-launchers-manager and pulse2-launchers service run as this specified user. yes user root

« wrapper » section

This section define the wrapper behavior.

Available options for the “wrapper” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
max_exec_time Default max exec time in seconds, older process are killed using SIGKILL. Different from max_command_age as beeing handled by the wrapper itself, so it also works for SYNC commandS. yes int, in seconds 21600 (6 hours)
max_log_size Cap generated logs to this value yes int, in bytes 512000 (500 kB)
path Pulse 2 launcher wrapper (ie “job launcher”) location. yes path /usr/sbin/pulse2-output-wrapper

« ssh » section

This section define global ssh (and scp) options.

Available options for the “ssh” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
default_key The default SSHv2 key to use, the config code will look for an “ssh_<default_key>” entry in the config file. ssh_* are ssh keys, * her names, f.ex. by using sshkey_default = /root/.ssh/id_rsa, /root/.ssh/id_rsa will be known as the ‘default’ key. yes string default
forward_key Should we perform key-forwarding (never, always, or let = let the scheduler take its decision) yes string let
scp_path Path to the SCP binary yes string /usr/bin/scp
ssh_options Options passed to OpenSSH binary (-o option). yes list of space separated strings LogLevel=ERROR UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null StrictHostKeyChecking=no Batchmode=yes PasswordAuthentication=no ServerAliveInterval=10 CheckHostIP=no ConnectTimeout=10
ssh_agent_path Path to the SSH agent yes string /usr/bin/ssh-agent
ssh_path Path to the SSH binary yes string /usr/bin/ssh
sshkey_default The “default” ssh key path. yes path /root/.ssh/id_rsa
sshkey_XXXX The “XXXX” ssh key path (when more than one key may be used). yes string  

« wget » section

This section sets the pulse2-launchers wget options (for the pull part of the push/pull mode)

Available options for the “wget” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
check_certs Put the check certificate flag. yes boolean False
resume Attempt to resume a partialy completed transfert yes boolean True
wget_options Options passed to wget binary. yes string “”
wget_path wget binary path (on client) yes string /usr/bin/wget

« rsync » section

This section sets the pulse2-launchers rsync options (for the push mode)

Available options for the “rsync” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
resume Attempt to resume a partial completed transfert yes boolean True
rsync_path rsync binary path (on server) yes string /usr/bin/rsync
set_executable Do we force +/-X on uploaded files (yes/no/keep). See below. yes string yes
set_access Do we enforce permissions of uploaded files (private/restricted/public). See below. yes string private

Uploaded file permissions:

set_access \ set_executable yes no keep
private u=rwx,g=,o= u=rw,g=,o= u=rwX,g=,o=
restricted u=rwx,g=rx,o= u=rw,g=r,o= u=rwX,g=rX,o=
public u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx u=rw,g=rw,o=r u=rwX,g=rwX,o=rX

« wol » section

This section sets the wol feature handling.

Available options for the “wol” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
wol_bcast WOL IP BCast adress. yes string
wol_path Pulse 2 scheduler awaker (via WOL “magic packet”). yes path /usr/sbin/pulse2-wol
wol_port WOL TCP port. yes string 40000

« tcp_sproxy » section

This section sets the tcp_sproxy feature handling, mainly used by the VNC feature.

Available options for the “tcp_sproxy” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
tcp_sproxy_path Pulse 2 TCP Secure Proxy (woot !) path yes path /usr/sbin/pulse2-tcp-sproxy
tcp_sproxy_host Fill-in the following option if you plan to use VNC, it will be the “external” IP from the VNC client point-of-view yes string “”
tcp_sproxy_port_range The proxy uses a port range to establish proxy to the client: 2 ports used per connection yes int range 8100-8200
tcp_sproxy_establish_delay The initial ssh connection to the client timeout yes seconds 20
tcp_sproxy_connect_delay The proxy allow the initial connection to be established within N seconds (ie. a client as N seconds to connect to the proxy after a port has bee found, then the connection is dropped and further connections will be impossible yes seconds 60
tcp_sproxy_session_lenght The number of seconds a connection will stay open after the initial handshake, conenction will be closed after this delay even if still in use yes seconds 3600 (one hour)

« smart_cleaner » section

This section sets the wol feature handling.

Available options for the “wol” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
smart_cleaner_path Pulse 2 smart cleaner path (on client), not used if empty yes path /usr/bin/pulse2-smart-cleaner.sh
smart_cleaner_options Pulse 2 smart cleaner option (see win32 agent doc) yes array, space-separated ‘’

« scheduler_XXX » section

This section define how the launchers may reach their referent scheduler.

Available options for the “scheduler” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
awake_incertitude_factor As our awake_time can be the same that the scheduler awake_time, add a little randomness here. Default value is .2, ie +/- 20 %. For example we will awake every 10 minutes, more or less 2 minutes. Values lower than 0 or greater than .5 are rejected Use this if your scheduler has the same awake time and busy each time we have to send our results yes float .2
awake_time The launcher will periodicaly awake (for exemple to send results to is scheduler), with this key a specific periodicity can be given. Field unit is the “second”. yes int 600
defer_results In async mode, whenever immedialetly send results to referent scheduler upon job completion or wait for being waked up (see above) yes string no
enablessl Flag that tells if SSL should be used to connect to the scheduler yes boolean True
host The referent scheduler IP address yes string
password The password to use when authenticating vs our referent scheduler yes string or base64 password
port The referent scheduler TCP port yes string 8000
username The login name to use when authenticating vs our referent scheduler yes string username

« launcher_XXX » section

This section define specific options for all launchers on the server.

Available options for the “launcher_XXX” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
bind The launcher binding IP address. yes string
cacert path to the certificate file describing the certificate authority of the SSL server no if enablessl is set path /etc/mmc/pulse2/scheduler/keys/cacert.pem
certfile deprecated (see cacert)      
enablessl SSL mode support no boolean 1
localcert path to the SSL serverprivate certificate no if enablessl is set path /etc/mmc/pulse2/scheduler/keys/privkey.pem
password The password to use when authenticating vs this launcher yes string or base64 password
port The launcher binding TCP port. no int  
privkey deprecated (see localcert)      
slots The number of available slots (ie. maximum number of concurrent jobs) yes int 300
scheduler The referent scheduler yes string the first defined scheduler
username The login name to use when authenticating vs this launcher yes string username
verifypeer Check that our parent scheduler present a signed certificate no if enablessl is set boolean False
logconffile path to the file containing the logging configuration of this launcher (the format of this file is described in the Python documentation. If it is not set, the default logging configuration is read from the launchers.ini file. yes string