MMC pulse2 plugin configuration file

This document explains the content of the MMC pulse2 plugin configuration file.


The « pulse2 » plugin is the MMC plugin in charge of the very generic part of pulse2 plugins.

The plugin configuration file is /etc/mmc/plugins/pulse2.ini.

Like all MMC related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

For now two sections are available in this configuration file:

Section name Description Optional
main Mostly MMC related behaviors yes
database Describe how to reach the pulse2 mysql database yes

« main » section

This section is used to give directives to the MMC agent.

Available options for the “main” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
disable Whenever use this plugin (or not) yes 0
location Set the name of the location manager (by default use the only component that can do that, ie the computer backend) yes  

« database » section

This section defines some global options.

Available options for the “database” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
dbdriver DB driver to use no mysql
dbhost Host which hosts the DB no
dbport Port on which to connect to reach the DB yes 3306 (aka “default MySQL port”)
dbname DB name no pulse2
dbuser Username to give while conencting to the DB no mmc
dbpasswd Password to give while connecting to the DB no mmc
dbpoolrecycle This setting causes the pool to recycle connections after the given number of seconds has passed yes 60
dbpoolsize The number of connections to keep open inside the connection pool yes 5
dbsslenable SSL connection to the database yes 0
dbsslca CA certificate for SSL connection yes  
dbsslcert Public key certificate for SSL connection yes  
dbsslkey Private key certificate for SSL connection yes