Pulse 2 Inventory server configuration file

This document explains the content of the configuration file of the inventory server service from Pulse 2.


The « inventory server » service is the Pulse 2 daemon in charge importing inventory sent from ocs inventory agents.

The service configuration file is /etc/mmc/pulse2/inventory-server/inventory-server.ini.

Like all Pulse 2 related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

For now four sections are available in this configuration file. The section describing the option can be duplicated if you need to pass more than one kind of option to the OCS inventory agent.

Section name Description Optional
main Common inventory server configuration directives no
database Database connection parameters no
daemon Inventory server daemon related behaviors no
option_XXX Inventory agent option XXX yes

All the other sections (loggers, handlers, ...) are related to Python language logging framework. See http://docs.python.org/lib/logging-config-fileformat.html.

« main » section

This section is used to configure the inventory server service.

Available options for the “main” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
host The hostname or ip address where the inventory. yes string localhost
port The port on which the inventory listen. yes int 9999
ocsmapping The mapping file betwen ocs inventory agent xml output and the database schema yes path /etc/mmc/pulse2/inventory-server/OcsNGMap.xml
xmlfixplugindir Directory containing Python scripts to fix the xml inventory before injecting yes path /etc/mmc/pulse2/inventory-server/xml-fix
enablessl SSL mode support yes boolean False
verifypeer use SSL certificates yes boolean False
cacert path to the certificate file describing the certificate authority of the SSL server yes path /etc/mmc/pulse2/inventory-server/keys/cacert.pem
localcert path to the SSL server private certificate yes path /etc/mmc/pulse2/inventory-server/keys/privkey.pem
hostname allow hostname in incoming inventory to be overridden by an other information from the inventory, for exemple Registry/Value|Path:DisplayName . yes string Hardware/Name
default_entity Default entity where computers are stored yes string ”.” (root entity)
entities_rules_file Rules file defining computer to entity mappings. See specific section to learn how it works. yes path “” (no mapping)

The hostname option is a representation of the path in the inventory XML.

« database » section

This section is documented into the MSC inventory plugin configuration documentation (see section « inventory » section).

« daemon » section

This section sets the inventory service run-time options and privileges.

Available options for the “daemon” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
pidfile The inventory service store its PID in the given file. yes path /var/run/pulse2-inventoryserver.pid
user The inventory service runs as this specified user. yes string root
group The inventory service runs as this specified group. yes string (can be base64 encoded) root
umask The inventory service umask defines the right of the new files it creates (log files for example). yes octal 0077

« option_XXX » section

This section define options that has to be given to the ocs inventory agent.

At the moment the only option which return will be inserted in the database is REGISTRY.

Each PARAM_YYY is for an XML tag PARAM in the inventory request. It is made of two values separated by ##. The first value is PARAM XML attributes, the second one is the content of the PARAM XML tag. The attributes are a list of couple attribute name, attribute value, the name and the value are separated by ::, each couple is separated by ||.

Available options for the option_XXX section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
NAME The option name. no string  
PARAM_YYY The option params. yes string  

For example :

PARAM_01 = NAME::srvcomment||REGKEY::SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\lanmanserver\\parameters||REGTREE::2##srvcomment
PARAM_02 = NAME::DisplayName||REGKEY::SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\lanmanserver||REGTREE::2##DisplayName

Rules file for computer to entity mapping

This file defines a set of rules to assign a computer to an entity according to its inventory content.

Each line of the rules file is processing starting from the top of the file, until one rule is valid. When a rule matches, the processing stop, and the computer is linked to the entity. If no rule match, the user is linked to no entity.

If no rule matches, the computer is assigned to the default entity. If the entity does not exist, it is created automatically in the database, as a child of the root entity (the root entity always exists).

This file is made of four or more columns. Each column is separated by space or tab characters.

  • The first column is the entity that will be assigned to the computer if the rule is valid. The root entity is specified by the dot character.
  • The second column is the inventory component value that will be tested by the rule. This component is made of the name of an inventory table, the “/” character, and a column of this table. For example: Network/IP, Bios/ChipVendor, ... The OcsNGMap.xml file can also be used to get the available inventory component value.
  • The third column is the operator of the rules. For the moment, only the “match” operator is available. The “match” operator allows to test the inventory component value with a regexp.
  • The fourth column is a value that will be used by the operator. For the “match” operator, the value must be a regular expression.

For example:

.               Network/IP      match   ^192\\.168\\.0\\..*$
"entity A"      Network/IP      match   ^172\\.16\\..*$
entityB         Network/IP      match   ^10\\..*$          and        Hardware/OperatingSystem     match       ^Linux$

The first line links all computers with an IP address starting with 192.168.0. (network to the inventory root entity.

The second line links all computers with an IP address starting with 172.16. (network to the entity called “entity A”. Entity name can be written between double-quotes if they contains space characters in their name.

The third line links all computers with an IP address starting with “10.” (network and with the “Linux” OS to the entity called entityB.