MMC glpi plugin configuration file

This document explains the content of the MMC glpi plugin configuration file.


The « glpi » plugin is the MMC plugin in charge of the glpi machine backend, it should only be used when invnetory is not used.

The plugin configuration file is /etc/mmc/plugins/glpi.ini.

Like all MMC related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

For now four sections are available in this configuration file:

Section name Description Optional
main Mostly MMC related behaviors no
querymanager Describe how it react as a potential queriable plugin yes
authentication_glpi Give the way to authenticate on glpi yes
provisioning_glpi Give the permissions that are going to be associated with users (based on permissions in glpi) yes

« main » section

This section is used to give directives to the MMC agent.

Available options for the “main” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
disable Whenever use this plugin (or not) yes 0
dbdriver DB driver to use no mysql
dbhost Host which hosts the DB no
dbport Port on which to connect to reach the DB no 3306 (aka “default MySQL port”)
dbname DB name no glpi
dbuser Username to give while conencting to the DB no mmc
dbpasswd Password to give while connecting to the DB no mmc
dbdebug Whenever log DB related exchanges yes ERROR
dbpoolrecycle DB connection time-to-live yes 60 (seconds)
dbpoolsize The number of connections to keep open inside the connection pool yes 5
dbsslenable SSL connection to the database yes 0
dbsslca CA certificate for SSL connection yes  
dbsslcert Public key certificate for SSL connection yes  
dbsslkey Private key certificate for SSL connection yes  
localisation Tells if the glpi entities are going to be used in pulse2 yes  
active_profiles Tells which profiles are going to be used yes  
filter_on add a filter on the glpi_computers table when retrieving machines yes state==3

« querymanager » section

This section define how this plugin react as a potential queriable plugin.

Available options for the “querymanager” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
activate If queries on glpi inventory criterions are possible. yes True

« authentication_glpi » section

This section define a way to authenticate thru glpi.

Available options for the “authentication_glpi” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
baseurl glpi login page url yes http://glpi-server/glpi/    
doauth Before provisioning, should we perform a GLPI authentication to create or update the user’s informations in the GLPI database ? yes True

« provisioning_glpi » section

This section define a way to do the user provisioning from glpi.

Available options for the “provisioning_glpi” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
exclude users that are never going to be provisioned yes root
profile_acl_profileX MMC web interface ACLs definition according to the user GLPI profile yes :##:base#main#default
profile_order If the user belong to more than one profile, the first profile of this list will be used yes profile1 profile2 profile3