Pulse 2 Package server configuration file

This document explains the content of the configuration file of the package server service from Pulse 2.


The « package server » service is the Pulse 2 daemon that implement all the package apis, it permit the creation, edition, suppression, share, mirroring... of packages.

The service configuration file is /etc/mmc/pulse2/package-server/package-server.ini.

Like all Pulse 2 related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

The section describing the mirror, package_api_get or package_api_put can be duplicated if you need to have more than one api of this kind.

Section name Description Optional
main Common package server configuration directives no
daemon Package server daemon related behaviors yes
ssl Package server ssl related dehaviors yes
mirror_api   yes
user_package_api   yes
scheduler_api   yes
imaging_api   yes
mirror:XX   yes
package_api_get:XX   yes
package_api_put:XX   yes

All the other sections (loggers, handlers, ...) are related to Python language logging framework. See http://docs.python.org/lib/logging-config-fileformat.html.

« main » section

This section is used to configure the inventory server services.

Available options for the “main” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
host The hostname or ip address where the inventory. yes localhost
port The port on which the inventory listen. yes 9999
use_iocp_reactor Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 only. This option sets the Twisted event loop to use the IOCP reactor for better performance. Please read Pulse 2 package server performance on win32 platforms yes 0
package_detect_activate Is package autodetection activated yes 0
package_detect_loop Time between two loops of detection yes 60
package_detect_smart_method methods in none, last_time_modification, check_size; for more than 1 method, separate with ”,” yes none
package_detect_smart_time   yes 60
package_mirror_loop   yes 5
package_mirror_target Package api can synhronise package data to others servers; package synchronisation targets yes  
package_mirror_status_file package synchronisation state file. used only if package_mirror_target is defined. File where pending sync are written so that they can be finished on package server restart. yes /var/data/mmc/status
package_mirror_command package synchronisation command to use yes /usr/bin/rsync
package_mirror_command_options package synchronisation command options yes -ar –delete
package_mirror_level0_command_options package synchronisation command on only one level options yes -d –delete
package_mirror_command_options_ssh_options options passed to SSH via “-o” if specified –rsh is automatically added to package_mirror_command_options yes “”
package_global_mirror_activate loop for the sync of the whole package directory; can only be activated when package_mirror_target is given yes 1
package_global_mirror_loop   yes 3600
package_global_mirror_command_options   yes -ar –delete
real_package_deletion real package deletion yes 1
mm_assign_algo machine/mirror assign algo yes default
up_assign_algo user/packageput assign algo yes default

package_mirror_command_options_ssh_options can be for exemple :

IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa StrictHostKeyChecking=no Batchmode=yes PasswordAuthentication=no ServerAliveInterval=10 CheckHostIP=no ConnectTimeout=10

« daemon » section

This section sets the package server service run-time options and privileges.

Available options for the “daemon” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
pidfile The package server service store its PID in the given file. yes /var/run/pulse2-package-server.pid
user The inventory service runs as this specified user. yes root
group The inventory service runs as this specified group. yes root
umask The inventory service umask defines the right of the new files it creates (log files for example). yes 0077

« ssl » section

Available options for the “ssl” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
username   yes “”
password   yes “”
enablessl SSL mode support yes 1
verifypeer use SSL certificates yes 0
cacert path to the certificate file describing the certificate authority of the SSL server yes /etc/mmc/pulse2/package-server/keys/cacert.pem
localcert path to the SSL server private certificate yes /etc/mmc/pulse2/package-server/keys/privkey.pem

« mirror_api » section

This section define options for the mirror_api api implementation (it assign mirrors and package_api to machines).

Available options for the “mirror_api” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The api mount point no /rpc

« user_package_api » section

This section define options for the user_package_api api implementation (it assign package_api to users, it’s used for the package edition permissions).

Available options for the “user_package_api” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The api mount point no /upaa

« scheduler_api » section

This section define options for the scheduler_api api implementation (it assign a scheduler to each machine).

Available options for the “scheduler_api” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The api mount point no /scheduler_api
schedulers The possible schedulers (can be a url or an id). no  

« imaging_api » section

This section define options for the imaging API.

Available options for the “imaging_api” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The API mount point yes /imaging_api
uuid The package server UUID. You can use the uuidgen command to compute one. no  
base_folder Base folder where Pulse 2 imaging sub directories are contained. yes /var/lib/pulse2/imaging
bootloader_folder Where bootloader (and bootsplash) is stored, relative to “base_folder” yes bootloader
cdrom_bootloader The CD-ROM boot loader file. It is used to create bootable restoration CD/DVD. yes cd_boot
bootsplash_file The imaging menu (GRUB menu) backgroung image, in XPM format. yes bootsplash.xpm
bootmenus_folder Where boot menus are generated / being served, relative to “base_folder” yes bootmenus
diskless_folder Where kernel, initrd and other official diskless tools are stored, relative to “base_folder” yes diskless
diskless_kernel Name of the diskless kernel to run, relative to “diskless_folder” yes kernel
diskless_initrd Name of the diskless initrd to boot (core), relative to “diskless_folder” yes initrd
diskless_initrdcd Name of the diskless initrd to boot (add on to boot on CD), relative to “diskless_folder” yes initrdcd
diskless_memtest Diskless memtest too, relative to “diskless_folder” yes initrdcd
diskless_dban Diskless dban too, relative to “diskless_folder” yes initrdcd
inventories_folder Where inventories are stored / retrieved, relative to “base_folder” yes inventories
computers_folder Where additionnal material (hdmap, exclude) are stored / retrieved, relative to “base_folder” yes computers
masters_folder Where images are stored, relative to “base_folder” yes masters
postinst_folder Where postinst tools are stored, relative to “base_folder” yes postinst
archives_folder Will contain archived computer imaging data, relative to “base_folder” yes archives
isos_folder Will contain generated ISO images yes /var/lib/pulse2/imaging/isos
isogen_tool tool used to generate ISO file yes /usr/bin/mkisofs
rpc_replay_file File contained in “base_folder” where failed XML-RPC calls from the package server to the central MMC agent are stored. yes rpc-replay.pck
rpc_loop_timer RPC replay loop timer in seconds. The XML-RPC are sent again to the central MMC agent at each loop. yes 60
rpc_count RPC to replay at each loop. yes 10
rpc_interval Interval in seconds between two RPCs yes 2
uuid_cache_file Our UUID cache inside “base_folder” yes uuid-cache.txt

« mirror:XX » section

This section define options for the mirror api implementation.

Available options for the mirror:XX section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The api mount point no  
src The root path of the package tree. no  

« package_api_get:XX » section

This section define options for the package_api_get API implementation.

Available options for the package_api_get:XX section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The api mount point no  
src The root path of the package tree. no  

« package_api_put:XX » section

This section define options for the package_api_put API implementation.

Available options for the package_api_put:XX section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
mount_point The api mount point no /rpc
src The root path of the package tree. no  
tmp_input_dir The directory where the data for package creation is put yes  

Pulse 2 package server performance on win32 platforms

Using the default configuration, the service won’t accept more than 64 concurrent TCP connections. The default event loop used by the Python Twisted library use the select() system call, which is limited to waiting on 64 sockets at a time on Windows.

Fortunately Twisted allows to choose another reactor instead of the default select() one. If sets to 1 in the package server configuration file, the use_iocp_reactor option lets Twisted runs with the IOCP reactor. IOCP (IO completions Ports) is a fast and scalable event loop system available on win32 platform. More informations are available in the Twisted documentation.

But there are some limitations:

  • SSL is not supported (for the moment) by the IOCP reactor, so the package server can’t be run with IOCP and SSL enabled at the same time,
  • The IOCP reactor implementation from Twisted only works on win32 platform where the ConnectEx() API is available. So it won’t works on Windows NT and Windows 2000 platforms.

Using the IOCP reactor, the package server can handle at least 300 parallel TCP connections, but more benchmarks need to be done to guess its limits.