Pulse 2 Scheduler configuration file

This document explains the content of the configuration file of the scheduler service from Pulse 2.


The « Scheduler » service is the Pulse 2 daemon in charge of reading the MSC database, dispatching commands over available launchers and writing results in the MSC database.

The main service configuration file is /etc/mmc/pulse2/scheduler/scheduler.ini.

Optionnaly, the database configuration may also be defined into /etc/mmc/plugins/msc.ini

Like all Pulse 2 related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

The configuration file is splitted into several sections: Some sections describing the different available launchers may appear, their name must begin with launcher_.

  • scheduler, daemon, database and logging,
  • launchers declaration (describing the different available launchers may appear, their name must begin with launcher_).

scheduler.ini available sections:

Section name Description Optional
scheduler Mostly scheduler related behaviors no
daemon Scheduler service related behaviors yes
database Scheduler database access yes (see below)
launcher_XXX A way to talk to launcher_XXX no

All the other sections (loggers, handlers, ...) are related to Python language logging framework. See http://docs.python.org/lib/logging-config-fileformat.html.

« scheduler » section

This section is used to give directives to the scheduler service.

Available options for the “main” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
id This scheduler name, used to take the right jobs in the database. no string  
active_clean_states Declare which kind of unconsistant states should be fixed. States can be either ‘run’, ‘stop’, or both, comma-separated. yes string  
analyse_hour Once per day, at “analyse_hour” hour (HH:MM:SS), the scheduler will analyse the database, looking to weird / broken commands; set to empty to disable analyse yes HH:MM:SS “” (disabled)
announce_check To announce what we are currently try to do on client, for each stage. For example TRANFERT while transfering something: announce_check = transfert=TRANFERT (comma-separated list as for previous options). currently available keywords: transfert, execute, delete, inventory yes string  
awake_time The scheduler will periodicaly awake (for exemple to poll the database), with this key a specific periodicity can be given. yes int, seconds 600 (ten minuts)
cacert path to the certificate file describing the certificate authority of the SSL server yes, and used only if enablessl is set path /etc/mmc/pulse2/scheduler/keys/cacert.pem
clean_state_time The scheduler will periodicaly awake to hunt for unconsistant command states, with this key a specific periodicity can be given. yes int 3600 (one hour)
client_check comma-separated list of <key>=<value> tokens to ask to the client; value (as part ot the ‘target’ table’ may be name, uuid, ipaddr, mac; only the first value are used for the last two. yes string  
checkstatus_period The period of the loop in charge of checking the scheduler health yes int 900 (15 minutes)
dbencoding The encoding to use when injecting logs into the MSC database. yes string utf-8
enablessl SSL mode support yes boolean True
initial_wait The amount of seconds to wait for the system to be stabilized when starting. yes int 2 (seconds)
initial_wait Add a little randomness to some loops. Default value is .2, ie +/- 20 % yes float .2
localcert path to the SSL server private certificate yes, and used only if enablessl is set path /etc/mmc/pulse2/scheduler/keys/privkey.pem
host This scheduler listing binding IP address yes string
lock_processed_commands Locking system, use with caution ! The only reason to activate this feature is for systems under heavy load; risk of double-preemption is drastically reduced using this, but your system will be even more slow. yes boolean False
loghealth_period The period of the loop in charge of logging the scheduler health yes int 60 (1 minute)
max_command_time Command max authorized time, used by the launcher yes int 3600 (one hour)
max_upload_time Upload max authorized time, used by the launcher yes int 21600 (six hours)
max_slots The max number of slot to use for all launchers yes int 300
max_wol_time WOL wait time yes int 300 (five minuts)
mg_assign_algo The plugin the scheduler will use to assign a computer to a group. See doc. yes string default (ie. use scheduler/assign_algo/default)
mode The scheduler way-of-giving-task-to-its-launchers (see doc). yes string async
password The password to use when sending XMLRPC commands to this scheduler. yes string or base64 password
port This scheduler listing TCP port. yes int 8000
preempt_amount Starting with version 1.2.5, the scheduler will perform this amount of command at a time. yes int 50
preempt_period Starting with version 1.2.5, the scheduler will periodicaly perform commands, using this period. yes int 1
resolv_order The different means used to find a client on the network (see doc). yes list of string, separator is space fqdn hosts netbios ip
scheduler_path The Scheduler main script location, used by scheduler-manager to start and daemonize the service. no path /usr/sbin/pulse2-scheduler
server_check see client_check for option formating, the main differente is that checks are done server-side, not client-side. yes string  
username The name to use when sending XMLRPC commands to this scheduler. yes string username
verifypeer SSL cert verirfication (if set to True, you will have to build and use a PKI) yes boolean False

« daemon » section

This section sets the scheduler service run-time options and privileges.

Available options for the “daemon” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
group The scheduler service runs as this specified group. yes group root
pidfile The scheduler service PID, used by scheduler-manager to track the scheduler service. yes path /var/run/pulse2
umask The scheduler service umask defines the right of the new files it creates (log files for example). yes octal 0077
user The scheduler service runs as this specified user. yes user root
setrlimit Resource usage limits to apply to the scheduler process, specified by a string of triplets (resource, soft limit, hard limit). See the Python documentation for more information yes string  


pid_path = /var/run/pulse2
user = mmc
group = mmc
umask = 0007
setrlimit = RLIMIT_NOFILE 2048 2048 RLIMIT_CORE 0 0

« database » section

This section can either be defined in scheduler.ini, or in msc.ini (in that order).

This section is documented into the MMC MSC plugin configuration file.

« launcher_XXX » section

This section define available launchers (one per launcher, “XXX” must be an integer). By default, no launcher is defined.

Available options for the “launcher_XXX” section:

Option name Description Optional Type Default value
enablessl Flag telling if SSL mode should be used to connect to the launcher. no boolean  
host The launcher IP address. no string  
password The password to use when we send XMLRPC commands to this launcher. no string or base64  
port The launcher TCP port. no string  
username The name to use when we send XMLRPC commands to this launcher. no string