MMC pkgs plugin configuration file

This document explains the content of the MMC pkgs plugin configuration file/


The « pkgs » plugin is the MMC plugin in charge of the edition, removal and creation of packages in the Pulse2 package system.

The plugin configuration file is /etc/mmc/plugins/pkgs.ini.

Like all MMC related configuration file, its file format is INI style. The file is made of sections, each one starting with a « [sectionname] » header. In each section options can be defined like this: « option = value ».

For example:

option1 = 1
option2 = 2

option1 = foo
option2 = plop

Configuration file sections

For now two sections are available in this configuration file:

Section name Description Optional
main Mostly MMC related behaviors yes
user_package_api Describe how to reach the User package API service yes

« main » section

This section is used to give directives to the MMC agent.

Available options for the “main” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
disable Whenever use this plugin (or not) yes 0

« user_package_api » section

This section is used to tell to the plugin where to find its User Package API service.

Available options for the “user_package_api” section:

Option name Description Optional Default value
server The service IP address yes
port The service TCP port yes 9990
mountpoint The service path yes /upaa
username The name to use when we send XMLRPC call yes “”
password The password to use when we send XMLRPC call yes “”
enablessl SSL mode support yes 1
verifypeer use SSL certificates yes 0
cacert path to the certificate file describing the certificate authority of the SSL server yes “”
localcert path to the SSL server private certificate yes “”